THE MATTHEW 25:35 FOUNDATION is a 501C public not for profit foundation that was started in 2001 with the goal of serving and ministering to the poor, especially orphans and widows. Dan Glushefski, who started the foundation, was inspired after reading the book GOD OWNS MY BUSINESS by Stanley Tam. He purposed to use the real estate business that God had given him to help the poor he witnessed on his first mission trip to Guyana, South America. The Matthew 25:35 Foundation was birthed as a way to raise money for projects in third world countries. We do this through cash donations as well as donated real estate. As always, God has far exceeded Dan's goal and expectations.
The original goal was to build an orphanage in a third world country. After several mission trips to Ecuador, the Mexico City garbage dumps, Romania, Chile, back to Mexico, and Liberia, Africa, we decided to make a trip to Honduras. While attempting to make some contacts in Central America, Dan came across missionary Barry Ritchie in Choluteca, Honduras. He was living in a small house in a rough neighborhood and had eight orphan children living with him. Dan shared with Barry his burden to build an orphanage only to find this missionary had the same burden. Asking how much it would cost to build an orphanage to house these orphans, Barry replied, "About $25,000, not including land." Not long after someone from Barry’s home church donated the money to purchase the land for the orphanage and a house was donated to the Matthew 25:35 Foundation that, when sold, provided exactly $25,000 profit. A few months later we traveled down to Honduras with 32 volunteers from our home church to help build the orphanage. Over the next year we made two more trips to help finish the orphanage with friends from Old Paths Bible Baptist Church who had made this dream their own. The plans and funds needed for the Children's Lighthouse changed over that year and the final outcome was a 3,200 square foot home that could house 50 children at the cost of around $65,000. Praise God ! Today the orphanage houses twenty six children who the Ritchie’s call their own.
God has expanded our goal to build twenty more orphanages, churches, schools and medical clinics in third world countries over the next twenty years. If you are interested in donating a property or making a donation to support the foundation please visit our DONATIONS page. If you are interested in sponsoring one of the orphans in the Children’s Lighthouse Orphanage in Honduras, make sure to visit our SPONSOR A CHILD page. Finally, please check out our photos and videos and consider supporting our foundation so that we can carry out our dream of helping those in need.
In the gospel of Matthew 25 v. 40 Jesus said, "Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it ( feed the hungry, shelter the poor, cloth the naked, visit the sick and imprisoned ) unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."